Saturday, November 03, 2007

News: Teaser Website for AnyBand + AnyBand Concert

Teaser Website Countdown

The teaser website for the upcoming AnyBand commercial is now up. Starting today, the website will reveal new information regarding the commercial each day until the commercial is premiered in Korea on November 7.

So far, only two pages have been unveiled. 'Day One' introduces us to the four main characters in the music video: BoA, Junsu, Tablo and Jin Bora. Here are BoA's character descriptions, translated into English:

"She is in charge of devising a plan to take back 'TALK, PLAY, LOVE' [which, I presume, is some kind of a cultural movement of which BoA is a part]. Her powerful voice spreads through the dry city like a rain. To her, those who steal are sinners, but those who remain silent are just as unforgivable. There is no one who would not be overwhelmed by her charisma."

'Day Two' shows a poll, in which visitors are asked to pick the leader of AnyBand. You have to be a member of to be able to vote.

AnyBand Concert?
Another information that can be found on the teaser website is that there will be an AnyBand concert on November 27 at the Central City Millenium Hall in Seoul. Details are rather sketchy at this point, but it seems pretty safe to assume that BoA will perform in it.

Many thanks to cheotsarang for the update.

News Update: cheotsarang(
Writeup/Editing: ZZOOzzoo(
News/Image Source: AnyCall


wah, finally, the rumor of BoA to be the new model of Samsung's Anycall Cellphone was confirmed.
anyway, i always like the commercials of 'Anycall' coz they always make that into the form of music videos dat goes in series/parts. i even collected all the old music videos/commercials of anycall though i'm not a fan of LEE Hyo-ri (the former model of ANYCALL) coz d mv's r really great and fun to watch over and over.... and now i will enjoy more the new cm's (commercials) coz BoA will be there...
haha... can't wait to watch BoA acts again in a music video...


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