Saturday, November 10, 2007

PAPARAZZI Photos of BoA Being Drunk [Nov. 5, 2007]

these were the photos taken [paparazzi style] on the day of BoA's 21st birthday (Nov. 5, 2007).

nothing much to tell, but the newspaper says something like 'BoA is really drunk for the celebration of her 21st b'day'...

haha well actually, she looks really drunk in the photos.

in my opinion, based on the pix, BoA is laughing (maybe) at herself because she can't even walk all by herself (for being drunk). and that her friends were accompanying/helping her to walk....

also, i read on some interviews of BoA, she admitted dat she's a real heavy drinker so this incident doesn't surprise me...

go BoA FIGHTING!!! i wonder if she got a really big headache (hangover) after dat... hehe



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

11:37 AM  

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